A Wonderful Evening Under the Stars
The fundraiser was highly successful, with over $4,000 donated for ongoing projects in Uganda, Cambodia, Thailand and Honduras, as well as future projects. Over 140 guests enjoyed drinks and appetizers as they met Board members, leaders of partner organizations and student volunteers such as Steven Dellibove, an Eagle Scout candidate who chose Global Playground as the main beneficiary of his Eagle Scout project. Participants also learned how to get involved with Global Playground and perused a photography exhibit displaying beautiful framed pictures of Global Playground's projects. A number of event participants purchased photographs, with all proceeds going toward future projects.
The highlight of the evening was a live video conference via Skype with children in El Progreso, Honduras who will benefit from Global Playground's new technology center. The students thanked Global Playground for improving their access to education. Through the live video conference, both event participants and the Honduran students learned first-hand how technology supported by Global Playground can facilitate exciting and educational cross-cultural exchange.
Every aspect of the event - from the beautiful venue to the abundant food - was provided through generous donations of friends and family of Global Playground. Global Playground especially thanks the Carnegie Endowment, William & Mary's DC Office, Naovarat Branagan, and Peroni for their support of the Gala. The event could not have succeeded without their generous and meaningful contributions.