Honduras — Global Playground

The Republic of



A New Technology Center

In an effort to connect children in developing countries with the rest of the world, Global Playground partnered with Students Helping Honduras (SHH) to build a new learning center for students in El Progreso, Honduras.

Global Playground Honduras

Students Helping Honduras works with students directly affected by gang violence outside of San Pedro Sula. The community, Villa Soleada, gives students and their families the chance to learn and live in safety.

As part of the learning center, Global Playground funded the construction of a technology center for $45,000. Equipped with eight computers, educational software, and broadband internet, the technology center serves the educational needs of over 200 children each year at the Villa Soleada Bilingual School. Additionally, the center, which opened in April 2010, is secured with reinforced windows and doors, 24/7 surveillance, and a full-time technology instructor. 

The technology center serves as Global Playground’s launch pad for global cross-cultural dialogue.

The Bilingual School is part of the Villa Soleada community, located in El Progreso, about 30 km outside of San Pedro Sula, one of the most dangerous cities in the world. The Villa Soleada community was built in 2006 on 13 acres of land purchased by SHH. Forty-four families, living in a nearby shantytown, became the founding members of this village.


The State of Education


With nearly two-thirds of its population living below the poverty line, Honduras is the fourth poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. In 2010, about 43% of its total population of 7.6 million was under the age of 18, constituting one of largest youth bulges in Latin America. Due to the limited funds allocated to public expenditures, the majority of public schools in Honduras are underfunded and lack the necessary resources to provide quality education. 

Education past the sixth grade is no longer free, so many students have no choice but to leave school to work to help support their families.

Only 30% of Honduran children go on to secondary school. It is estimated that only 84% of the country’s adult population is literate and 24% of children do not finish primary school (1).

Children who are left uneducated are at a higher risk of participating in gangs or engaging in illegal activities such as drug trafficking. Quality education is a means of mitigating these negative pressures and helping children live healthier, more productive lives.

1. “A Study of Education in Honduras.” Bless the Children. (2016).



of the total population is under the
age of 18


of honduran children go to school



of the total population is literate


of all children do not finish primary school

Honduras shares coastal access to the second largest reef in the world. It is home to famous Mayan ruins in Copan. Its major exports include coffee and bananas.


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